Whatever your business needs, be that replenishment of working capital, large acquisition or expansion, we will adapt to them. We provide loans for various purposes, so feel free to plan to increase working capital or invest in development. We provide loans with INVEGA and EIF guarantees.

Let your company’s money to work without losing control
Exclusive offer for business – make payments in euros in the SEPA area free of charge and get up to 1.50 % annual interest on funds in the current account. You will be able to use the money without restrictions while accumulating the interest income.
Contact us

AB Mano Bankas
Call us: +370 5 240 9389
Email us: hello@mano.bank
Visit us: S. Moniuškos str. 27, LT-08115 Vilnius
Opening hours:
I-IV 8:30 - 17:00, V 8:30 - 16:00
Company code 112043081
VAT code LT100012330110
LT68 5030 0202 1003 4833
Specialised bank licence No.1
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