Safeguard your customers’ money
Choose us to ensure the protection of your customers’ funds. Most financial institutions are required to ensure the protection of customer funds in accordance with legal requirements. Mano Bank innovative fund safeguarding solutions allow this requirement to be met comfortably and efficiently.
Contact us

AB Mano Bankas
Call us: +370 5 240 9389
Email us: hello@mano.bank
Visit us: S. Moniuškos str. 27, LT-08115 Vilnius
Opening hours:
I-IV 8:30 - 17:00, V 8:30 - 16:00
On pre-holiday days, we work shorter hours
Company code 112043081
VAT code LT100012330110
LT685030020210034833 BIC KUSRLT21
(for payments in Lithuania)
LT915030120000000120 BIC KUSRLT24
(for other payments)
Specialised bank licence No.1