Do you have plans? Realise them here and now
We will provide a consumer credit without additional worries. Easily make a decision on a consumer loan with a reliable partner, without a contract fee, settlement of expenses, collateral or insurance, and with the possibility of repaying the loan earlier without additional fees.
Contact us

AB Mano Bankas
Call us: +370 5 240 9389
Email us: hello@mano.bank
Visit us: S. Moniuškos str. 27, LT-08115 Vilnius
Opening hours:
I-IV 8:30 - 17:00, V 8:30 - 16:00
On pre-holiday days, we work shorter hours
Company code 112043081
VAT code LT100012330110
LT685030020210034833 BIC KUSRLT21
(for payments in Lithuania)
LT915030120000000120 BIC KUSRLT24
(for other payments)
Specialised bank licence No.1